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Will Influencer Marketing Help You Promote Your Music?
The way in which people discover new music is rapidly changing, which is primarily down to the digital age and its ever developing platforms. Traditionally, and to this day, there will always be individuals that collect Vinyl, CD’s, frequently shop at their local record store, and find new music on the television. However, with the majority of Millennials and Gen Z music lovers using the internet, algorithms from streaming platforms and social media are the prime platforms that tap into generating exposure for a band or artist.
An influencer is a social media figure with a sizable following who recommends their favorite music, clothes, and other cultural staples. Some influencers are artists who create their own music and art, but could still be sponsored to advertise their ‘recommendations’ alongside their own products. You could be following influencers without even realising they are influencers.
Influencer marketing is a very effective way for your music to receive ample new exposure and gain new fans. Once something goes viral on the internet, its reach is truly limitless. The internet is a vast frontier that is conductive to untold musical critical acclaim and popularity if it is properly navigated. An effective influencer may be a vital player in your future musical success, now more than ever.
What Exactly Is An Influencer?
A music influencer is any person with a sizable social media presence who can help promote your music, but the term ‘influencer’ is broad, especially because what they do could be a variety of things: an influencer can be an enthusiastic fan of your music who has over 100,000 Instagram or Tiktok followers; an influencer can be someone who promotes guitars and other music gear who happens to mention your music on their social media platform; an influencer can be a music producer or other music expert who has highly respected opinions about music. An influencer can be an artist or fellow musician. When selecting an influencer, you want someone with a large social media following (the more followers, the better), someone who has a great deal of engagement with their posted content, and someone who will reach an audience of potential fans of your music. You want to choose someone who can really connect with your ideal audience. Potential fans of your music are smart and discerning. They want to engage with an authentic person who reflects their unique tastes. Thankfully, influencer marketing, when done right, is one of the truest and most creative forms of marketing.
A Fine Example of a Music Influencer
Andrew Huang is a Toronto-based music producer and music influencer who hosts a YouTube channel with over 2 million subscribers. Huang writes songs, showcases music gear, cutting edge music software, and hosts eclectic collaborations with a rotating cast of musicians. Huang is a passionate music lover who explores interesting musical concepts in a highly engaging way. Andrew Huang's videos make it clear that he is a very chill and authentic guy. Nothing about his channel is the least bit contrived. When exploring the vast world of influencer marketing, it is vitally important to find someone who aligns with your specific tastes and values. Andrew Huang's YouTube channel is proof that a labor of love can still meet and exceed all of the most important marketing analytics. You can be true to your musical vision and still reach a very wide and enthusiastic audience. The trick is effectively employing influencer marketing in a way that is compatible with your vision of what you truly want your music to be.
Expand Your Audience While Growing Creatively
A great many musicians truly loathe anything related to marketing. Working with a marketing influencer is a brilliant way to potentially build a marketing relationship based on artistic collaboration. If you choose to work with a music influencer who has a true passion for music, you will grow creatively while expanding the reach of your music. Choose an influencer who you can write a song with. There are plenty of musical influencers who will allow you to conduct a musical experiment, such as showcasing the sound of an unusual instrument or recording technique. Social media is home to a diverse group of musicians and musical influences who support each other, and are eager to see each other thrive. A conversation about marketing may quickly evolve into a conversation about a new creative direction. Influencer marketing may even be an avenue to explore other creative endeavors that are related to music such as dance, fashion, and visual art. The creative potential of social media is truly boundless.
Why Choose Influencer Marketing?
Aside from fashion, music is one of the artistic mediums that is most advantageous to successful influencer marketing. There are undoubtedly important logistical concerns when selecting the ideal music influencer, choosing someone who knows how to present content in a highly entertaining and engaging manner is essential. The number of followers is a huge factor, but do your research on interaction and ensure their follower base is genuine.
Communicating with an influencer directly can often achieve better results over an agency, because they have more creativity and control about how they choose to showcase you or your music. Many older generations have expressed tremendous unhappiness with some of the dramatic changes in how music is sold and listened to in recent decades. It is true that the digital age has contributed to record stores declining, but times are changing, and bands, artists and fans need to adapt.
The younger generation knows that the internet offers virtually unlimited potential to cultivate an expansive, loyal audience. The savvy use of influencer marketing is one of the best ways to harness the awesome creative power of social media. Influencer marketing allows musicians to connect with new fans on a global scale. Why settle for a regional fanbase when your music can easily reach an international audience? Influencer marketing is an affordable, convenient, and creative way for your wildest musical dreams to become a reality. Influencer marketing will help your music come to fruition in ways that you never thought possible.